Why Adopt TradeTrust
Easy Adoption
Quick launch by using free open-source code or the services of TradeTrust-ready partners
No semantic/data format and standard restrictions such as Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) and BIMCO and works with any of your existing transmission protocols like email, FTP etc
Best practices enable scalability and cross-platform interoperability so you and your trading partners are free to choose your preferred TradeTrust-enabled system (no need for all parties to use a common digital platform and contractual rulebook) in a decentralised approach
Save Time & Money
Standardising digital trade leads to consistency, resulting in faster, more profitable trades and financing, while minimising legal complexities
Conduct trustworthy trade and establish new trading relationships with complete transparency and traceability for end-to-end supply chain optimisation
Secure & Confidential
Ensure electronic documents are cryptographically trustworthy - documents’ proof of source and authenticity can be verified independently
Ensure data confidentiality as the blockchain does not store any business data
Sustainability & Compliance
Supports United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by going paperless
Adopting TradeTrust means following internationally recognised standards like the UN/CEFACT, W3Cverifiable credential, UNESCAP and UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR). Learn more in the legality guide.
Security assessment completed by third party - Ernst & Young, to ensure the reliability and trustworthiness of the TradeTrust framework
A proven solution demonstrated through over 30 successful trials and commercial implementations by international businesses
Award-Winning Solution

Learn more about how TradeTrust works?